Facebook Ads Purchase & Leads Breakdown Dashboard Template

Template created by Yello Veedub Yello Veedub
Use this free dashboard template to get an up-to-date overview of your Facebook ad spend and performance. Track how much you’ve spent, which campaigns are performing best, and more.

Uses one-click integrations:

  • Facebook Ads Facebook Ads

If you don’t use Facebook Ads, you can pull data from any of our 100+ one-click, native integrations or from spreadsheets, databases and other APIs.

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What you’ll learn from this Facebook Ads Purchase & Leads Breakdown Dashboard template

With this dashboard template, you’ll be able to accurately measure the performance and cost-efficiency of your Facebook Ad campaigns. No more guessing as to which campaigns are driving the results and which require adjustments. By connecting your Facebook Ads account, you’ll learn:

  • What’s our current Facebook ad spend? See the total amount spent on ad campaigns in any given time period. Are you current over budget? Is your ad spend growing every month? Are your results scaling along with your spend?
  • How many people have purchased from our ad campaigns? Track the total number of purchases attributed to your ad campaigns in any given time period. Compare to previous periods to track growth and set goals to measure your progress against.
  • What’s our return on ad spend (ROAS)? Track the total return on ad spend (ROAS) from your advertising efforts. Are you earning more revenue (purchases) for each dollar you spend on advertising? Track your progress over time and make adjustments when they matter most.
  • Are we generating impressions, clicks, and leads cost effectively? Track your overall cost per thousand impressions (CPM), cost per click (CPC), and cost per lead (CPL) in order to spot areas of concern and/or opportunities for optimization. You can always improve the efficiency of your ad spend––the first step is by having the data accessible in one place.
  • How often are people seeing our ads in their news feed? Track the number of times your ad has been seen by a unique user on average over a given time period. This is a great way to ensure your audience doesn’t suffer from ad fatigue which can lead to a higher acquisition cost while also ensuring your ad is being seen enough times in order to hit your goals.
  • Which campaigns generate the most leads and purchases?Track your top ad campaigns by the number of leads generated and the number of purchases. This way, you can reinvest ad spend from low performing campaigns into the ones that are proving to drive a higher return.

Pull additional data using our extensive integration with Facebook Ads.

What other campaign metrics can you track and visualize with our integration with Facebook Ads? Almost anything:

  • Individual campaign and ad performance
  • Clicks, downloads, leads, and sales
  • Cost per impression (CPM), click (CPC), and lead (CPL)
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Ad spend and overall budget
  • Landing page performance
  • Progress towards your campaign goals, and more

In Databox there are almost 100 Facebook Ads metrics already built and ready for you to visualize in a variety of different ways. With the use of Query Builder and Data Calculations, the range of different metrics and metric combinations you can track from Facebook Ads widens.

Read more about Databox’s Facebook Ads integration.

Facebook Ads Facebook Ads metrics included in this template
  • CPC (All)

    CPC (All) is the average cost per click across all ad types, placements, and objectives in a Facebook Ads campaign. It shows how much an advertiser pays for each click on their ad.

  • Leads by Campaign

    The Leads by Campaign metric measures the number of leads generated by each Facebook ad campaign, helping businesses track the effectiveness of their ad campaigns in terms of lead generation.

  • Purchases by Campaign

    Purchases by Campaign is a metric that shows the number of times people purchased after clicking or viewing an ad in a specific campaign. It helps measure the effectiveness of the campaign in generating sales and determining its ROI.

  • Cost Per Lead

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Customize this dashboard with Databox

Sometimes, you’ll want to dive deeper into performance. When you need to customize this template (or any other dashboard) to include different metrics, add metrics from different sources, etc., you can do so by using Databox’s Dashboard Designer.

The Designer allows you to easily drag-and-drop metrics and visualizations from any data source right into your dashboard.

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