Databox Alerts - get notified when your KPI changes

Get alerts for your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) when they matter most. No more surprises.

KPI tracking shouldn’t require logging into dozens of different tools to get an update. With Databox, you can automate performance alerts so that you can make adjustments when they matter most.

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Get notified when important KPIs trend up or down

Get notified when important KPIs trend up or down

No more waiting until the end of the month or quarter to spot performance trends. In Databox, you can automate performance alerts for any metric and set the conditions for when that alert should be sent. Want to know when your sales opportunities decrease by a certain percentage? Or if your sales goal is unlikely to be hit based on current trends? Now, you can.

Get KPI performance alerts via email, mobile, and Slack

Get KPI performance alerts via email, mobile, and Slack

When you’re busy doing or managing the work, it’s easy to miss things. In Databox, you can set up Alerts to be sent via email, as a push notification in the Databox mobile app, or even directly in Slack. This way, you’ll never miss important changes in the KPIs that matter most.

Update everyone without meetings or emails

Update everyone without meetings or emails

It’s hard to make improvements when people are constantly asking, “where are we with [insert important metric here] this month?” Now it’s easy to keep everyone in the loop on your most important KPIs. Set Alerts to be delivered to you, to you and selected users, or to your entire team. Address issues without meetings and before problems become bigger.

Include related metrics for added context

Include related metrics for added context

Sometimes one metric doesn’t tell the whole story. For example, if sales are down, you really need to measure leading indicators like number of calls made and opportunities to understand why they’re down. With Alerts, in addition to the primary metric, you can include related metrics, too. This way, everyone understands why things are happening.

For best results, set KPI Alerts for...


Get notified when you’re unlikely to hit specific goals and make a plan to adjust course now.


Get notified when specific outputs like number of sales calls, number of new blog posts published, etc., are way down (or way up).


Get notified when things like traffic, leads, and sales are experiencing significant changes in a given period.

Here’s how easy it is to set KPI Performance Alerts in Databox

Select a data source
Select a data source
Select the metric you want to be notified about
Select the metric you want to be notified about
Set the conditions for when you should be notified
Set the conditions for when you should be notified
Select a delivery option
Select a delivery option
Choose the recipients
Choose the recipients
Keith Moehring

“As an agency that works closely with clients on goal setting and performance tracking, Databox's alerts are great for transparency and accountability. For example, if we're off pace 70% of the way into the month, the Goal Alert serves as a reality check for the team to step it up a notch. If we surpass our goal, Databox delivers the good news to the client and reminds them of the value we provide.”

Keith Moehring, VP of Strategic Growth at PR 20/20

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Set up KPI performance alerts

Connect your data, set up your alerts, and make adjustments when they matter most.

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KPI Tracking FAQs

How many Alerts can I set up in my account?

There’s no limitation on the number of performance alerts you can set up. Set as many as you need in order to stay on top of your most important metrics.

When are performance alerts sent?

You can choose whether you want to receive Alerts during business hours only or at any time. If ‘deliver only on weekdays’ (8-5 PM) is selected, the Alert will only be sent out Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 5 PM in the timezone set in your Account. If an Alert is triggered outside of those hours, it will be delivered the next weekday at 8 AM.

Which KPIs should I be tracking?

It depends on what’s important to you. However, to get you started, we have a few blog posts that can serve as an inspiration. Such as 39 Most Important KPIs Across Your Company and The 20 Most Important B2B KPIs According to More Than 50 Businesses. Check out the Databox Blog for more.

Can I set alerts for my team members?

Yes, you can set alerts for any member of your team. You will also receive the alerts, too.