The Story Behind Databox’s Mission

Ground Up Podcast Apr 9 1 minute read

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    If you’ve read any of our content lately, specifically our product releases, you’ve undoubtedly noticed a positioning theme around making things easy.

    Sure, “easy” is a core tenant of many company missions, however, it’s especially true for us here at Databox.

    Making things easy is damn hard work, particularly when most people associate “performance” and “data” as being clinical and complex.

    But therein lies the opportunity.

    We’ve anchored ourselves to the mission of making performance insights more accessible to everyone for a long time. which has informed product development, marketing, customer support, partner marketing–you name it.

    But what does “making performance insights more accessible” mean?

    Well, instead of writing more about it, Pete and I decided to provide some background on the latest episode of Ground Up.

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