Improving Landing Page Conversion by 55% in 30 Days (w/ Peyton Walbeck, Nectar)

Metrics & Chill Podcast Jan 4 2 minutes read

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    The metric: Conversion Rate

    Learn how Peyton Walbeck increased Nectar’s landing page conversion by 55% in 30 days.

    How They Moved The Needle

    1. Interviewed customers to get insights to make the website more relevant to their target audience.

    Peyton spent his first 2 weeks at Nectar interviewing customers.He went into their CRM, built a list of decision-makers, and emailed them to ask for their feedback.

    He tested a variety of emails to small segments, and found that a couple things that worked best: offering a link to take a survey or book a call, and offering a small gift card.

    He structured the surveys & interviews to learn 3 main things:

    1. What was happening at the company that caused them to look for Nectar (pains, needs, etc.)
    2. Why they chose Nectar over competitors
    3. What they wanted to see on the website that was missing

    He’d later use these insights to inform the homepage copy and design, scope of content, and Go To Market messaging in their “demand creation” efforts.

    2. Updated the hero section (above the fold), based on his insights, to immediately grab the reader’s attention.

    After learning the main trigger that was driving customers to search for a solution, he baked that into the primary heading (H1) to immediately resonate with readers. In the subheading, he highlighted 2-3 differentiators customers had articulated in order to further stand out, and show readers Nectar had what they were looking for.

    3. Took the top 3-4 features customers articulated loving, and highlighted them further down the page.

    Peyton’s research showed him what customers valued most about the product, so he highlighted those value props further down the landing page.

    4. Showcased the actual product.

    One of the things customers articulated wanting to see more of, was how the product worked, and what it actually looked like (vs illustrations or screenshots). So Peyton captured a screen recording of himself using the product, turned it into a Gif, and used that as the primary image above the fold.

    5. Updated the booking workflow to remove SDRs, and let people book a demo direct with AEs.

    6. Highlighted integrations they worked with.

    One of the main things many prospects needed to know before they could explore the product further, was if it integrated with their existing stack. So Peyton identified the most common needs, and featured those integrations front and center on the landing page.

    All these changes helped prospects see that Nectar:

    • Understood their problem
    • Offered the differentiation they wanted
    • Had the integrations they needed
    • Was simple and easy to use


    Within 30 days, Peyton rolled these changes out to the landing page they were driving high-intent traffic to, and immediately saw a 55% improvement in conversion. From there, they updated their homepage with these changes.

    In total, these changes drove:

    • +55% in conversion
    • +150% in pipeline
    • +78% in actual revenue (as sales started to close)

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