a screenshot of a chart in our free benchmarking tool, showing where the median performance compared to the upper and lower quartile, on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, HubSpot and more.

Benchmark your business performance, free.

Use our free benchmarking tool to instantly benchmark your company’s performance against others just like you.

Start benchmarking

How does your company measure up?

Our free benchmarking tool will help your business make decisions around strategy, budget, goal setting, planning, and execution. See how you compare to other companies like yours to more accurately discover the real areas of opportunity.

Most popular benchmark groups

Explore groups relevant to your business

Get immediate insights on how your company compares to similar companies based on what matters to you. Filter by industry, company size, or revenue. As long as it’s a match, you can join as many Benchmark Groups as you’d like.

Benchmark KPIs for every department

Unlike niche benchmarking tools that only offer insight into a single area of your business, Benchmark Groups gives you a full 360° view of your company’s KPIs across sales, marketing, finance, and more.

Start benchmarking

Get free instant access

Filter and explore to choose a Benchmark Group — we’ve got over 50 to choose from, and even more on the way.

Personalize your company profile so you can get matched to groups of similar companies quickly. We need your primary industry sector, size, revenue and business type.

Click to join, then connect the relevant data sources. Bonus: If you’re already a Databox user, your connections will carry over.

That’s it! With just a few clicks, you’ve gained insight into how you measure up against your peers.

Filter and explore to choose a Benchmark Group — we’ve got over 50 to choose from, and even more on the way.

Personalize your company profile so you can get matched to groups of similar companies quickly. We need your primary industry sector, size, revenue and business type.

Click to join, then connect the relevant data sources. Bonus: If you’re already a Databox user, your connections will carry over.

That’s it! With just a few clicks, you’ve gained insight into how you measure up against your peers.

100% anonymized data

Your data stays private, full stop. We pull the anonymized data for each KPI directly & securely. No other company will be able to see your performance, and you won’t be able to see the performance of individual companies either.

  • We take your privacy seriously
    Nothing is more important than protecting our customers’ data. We apply the highest encryption standards to keep your data secure at all times.
  • Opt-out at any time
    Only companies that have opted-in will be able to anonymously compare their performance against other companies in the Benchmark Group. Users are free to opt out (or opt back in) at any time.

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Enterprise budget not required

Benchmark Groups are totally free to access. Leverage performance benchmarks specific to your industry to power your goal setting, client reporting, annual planning, and more without the astronomical costs associated with a market research firm.

  • Align priorities
    Is your traffic in the top percentile but Goal Completions toward the bottom compared to others in your industry? This may help you shift focus to make the right adjustments.
  • Get ahead of downward trends
    Don’t be the last to know. Shift your attention to what’s working before the bottom line is affected by what isn’t.
Start benchmarking

Benchmarks can help you do more than compare

Access to benchmark data from similar companies gives you the ability to see the forest through the trees.

Deepen your insights

Benchmarks are an objective measure of where you are so that you can get your team rowing the right direction.

Strengthen your position

Gain a holistic picture of market performance and use it to invest in the right areas of growth.

Celebrate your wins

Share and celebrate major milestones with indisputable proof that you’re great at what you do.

Expand your toolbelt

Use benchmark data in blog and video content, research reports, sales and demo materials, and investor pitches.

Build your own invite-only benchmark community

Take it a step further by creating your own private Benchmark Group. Set the criteria for membership to the group, choose the KPIs you’d like your group members to benchmark against, then invite select prospects, clients, or community members to join with personalized invites—all within the app.


Prove your results without revealing client data. Show prospects where they really are… and the potential of where they could be.


Reinforce your expertise with data to back it up. Educate clients on industry trends so they understand what is possible.


Private Benchmark Groups are invite-only. Package access to yours as part of your services to create a unique client experience that you have full control over.


*Access to this feature is limited. Interested in learning more? Reach out to our team at success@databox.com.

Get access to Databox when you start benchmarking

A lot of magic happens when you connect all of your performance data in one place—you can also set and measure progress toward goals, create custom metrics, share and automate reports with your team, get notifications when certain metrics are on or off track, and much more.

Track your key metrics

  • Set your goals and track performance
  • Make performance more predictable
  • Use built-in visualizations for popular metrics
  • Mix and match metrics from different sources

Build custom dashboards

  • Visualize data from spreadsheets and 100+ tools
  • Drag-and-drop interface for easy building
  • No code or design skills necessary
  • Pull from our library of thousands of pre-built metric visualizations

Automate your reporting process

  • Move beyond the “screenshot report”
  • Build professional deck-like reports in minutes
  • Schedule sends and reminders
  • Data Stories provide dynamically generated text to your report

Ready to get started?

Understand where you excel and where you may be falling behind, so you can shift focus to strategies that will actually move the needle.

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